Family Tree of Pete Bradshaw and Wendy Offen, Durham, England

Samuel Whittingham

Person 00090325

? Christened possibly 11/06/1779 at Melford, Suffolk (CI)
? Mother: Sarah Whittingham (1760)

Married around 1805 at ? (CI)
to Elizabeth ? (1780)

1841 at Walthamstow, Essex (C)
59, with wife, daughter, and (nother in law?) Lucretia Parker, 78

1851 at Walthamstow, Essex (C)
gardener, 69, with wife, daughter, lodger, sister Maria Saunders (73, Knights Bridge, mx) and a maid

1861 at Walthamstow, Essex (C)
retired gardener, 78, with daughter Sarah

Died 1869 at West ham district (R)

Sarah Elliott Whittingham (1807)
Sarah Lucretia Whittingham (1809)
Walter Elliott Whittingham (1811)
Susanna Lodge Whittingham (1814)
Elizabeth Whittingham (1820)
Samuel Whittingham
Sarah Whittingham (1760)

Last updated 07/11/2023

Source Key: A=Baptist records B=Burial register C=Census F=Family H=Christening register I=IGI L=Letter M=Marriage register P=Personally known R=Registry office (certificate or index) S=Website T=Tombstone W=Will Y=Boyds marriage index

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