Family Tree of Pete Bradshaw and Wendy Offen, Durham, England

Charles William Wilderspin

Person 00008912

Born 06/07/1867 at Greenwich, Kent (CH)
Father: Charles Wilderspin (1824)
Mother: Ann Covill (1829)

Christened 01/09/1867 at Woolwich, Kent (H)

1871 at Greenwich, Kent (C)
4, deaf and dumb

1881 at Brighton, Sussex (C)
at Eastern Rd Deaf and Dumb Asylum, age 14

1891 at Greenwich, Kent (C)
tailor, 23, deaf and dumb, with parents

1901 at Greenwich, Kent (C)
tailor, 33, with mother

1911 at Greenwich, Kent (C)

Died March 1925 at Greenwich, Kent (R)
age 57

Charles William Wilderspin
Charles Wilderspin (1824)
Amos Wilderspin (1796)
Henry Wilderspin (1774)
Charlotte Bonnett (1799)
Ann Covill (1829)
William Cavill (1805)
Sarah Newell (1801)

Last updated 07/11/2023

Source Key: A=Baptist records B=Burial register C=Census F=Family H=Christening register I=IGI L=Letter M=Marriage register P=Personally known R=Registry office (certificate or index) S=Website T=Tombstone W=Will Y=Boyds marriage index

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