Family Tree of Pete Bradshaw and Wendy Offen, Durham, England
Thomas Lecomber
Person 00004300
Born 13/02/1835 at Shoreditch (IF)
Father: Thomas Lecomber (1807)
Mother: Elizabeth Cole (1805)
Christened 27/09/1835 at Shoreditch (I)
1837 at Limehouse ()
1838 at Stepney ()
1840 at Bethnal Green ()
1841 at Bethnal Green (C)
1843 at Mile End, East London ()
from 1844 at Stepney ()
1851 at Mile End New Town, Stepney (FC)
errand boy, 16
1857 at Bethnal Green? (C)
No 12, White St
Married 02/06/1857 at Bethnal Green (MR)
to Jane Ayres (1829)
Jun 1857 BG 1c/509, and in Pallots index
Thomas Lecomber, dyer, bachelor, son of Thomas, weaver, and Jane Hare, spinster, daughter of William, tailor, both "of full age",
both illiterate, married after banns at the parish church St Andrew, by G H Parker; witnessed by (great uncle and aunt?) George and
Maria Lecomber, also both illiterate
1861 at Mile End, East London (FC)
2 Halifax Street, MENT, Whitechapel/Stepney
silk dyer, age 26 from Spitalfields, with wife and eldest child
1868 at Bethnal Green ()
from 1869 at Mile End, East London ()
1871 at Mile End New Town, East London (C)
1, Pelham Street (shared with three other families)
Dyer, age 36, from Bethnal Green, with wife and 4 kids
Died March 1878 at Mile End New Town, Whitechapel (CF)
1, Pelham Street
age 43 - 1c/240 - Whitechapel
Elizabeth Jane Lecomber (1858)
Elizabeth Lecomber (1861)
Maria Jane Lecomber (1863)
Thomas William Lecomber (1866)
Jane Lecomber (1868)
Mary Ann Lecomber (1870)
Last updated 07/11/2023
Source Key: A=Baptist records B=Burial register C=Census F=Family H=Christening register I=IGI L=Letter M=Marriage register P=Personally known R=Registry office (certificate or index) S=Website T=Tombstone W=Will Y=Boyds marriage index
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